I was a junior in college, recently diagnosed with Epilepsy and a severe cardiac arrhythmia. 2010 was a journey that broke me. It wasn’t until this season of my life that I realized my journey as a Christian was never promised to be easy, but that He would never leave my side. I learned that in order to become a woman after Christ's own image, I had to first lose my own identity, and allow God to completely remake me.
If you feel your insufficiency, you’re exactly where He wants you; and God is close to using you as heaven intended. Just as Jesus’ will was broken in the Garden of Gethsemane preceding His crucifixion, He, being in agony, prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like great drops of blood falling from His brow to the ground. Fulfilling His purpose was painful, but necessary for the salvation of humanity.
Millions are hurting, and lost. Who am I among so many, and a need so great? I’m broken, and being transformed into His image. And for now, that’s enough.
In a world that’s full of glamour, self-righteousness and fame, we are called as Christ followers to defy our culture in every way. We are called to die to our flesh, personal desires and human will. We are called to Break.